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Your Library, Anytime, Anywhere with myLIBRO!

¡Hola a todos! myLIBRO is now available in Spanish, just in time to explore our exciting new features for summer reading challenges!

Your library's virtual branch MyLibro myLIBRO Library App Apple
myLIBRO enables students and patrons to seamlessly connect with their libraries anytime, anywhere. 

“Hands down the best library app you can get. myLIBRO makes everything easy for the user to request, schedule pickups, browse and more. Even their library card is built into their profile. You won’t be disappointed!

Technology Education Manager, The Libraries of Stevens County

Allow patrons to search, reserve and schedule pick-up for library materials all within the myLIBRO app.

Watch latest Webinar

Make your library’s catalog easily accessible to students and patrons

myLIBRO Library Pickup User
  • Search by author, title or genre

  • Place, cancel and manage holds on books and materials

  • Receive notifications when materials are available

  • Manage accounts, including renewals, unpaid fees, returns and more

  • Access audio books

  • Learn about library events and reserve space

myLIBRO Assists Librarians

  • Seamlessly integrates with ILS systems, allowing patrons to search for materials from shared catalogues across library networks

  • Students and patrons easily manage their accounts 

  • Notifications speed up lending, renewals, and fees paid

  • Ease of renewal encourages more reading and usage

myLIBRO Contactless Library Service
myLIBRO Library App Benefits
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