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myLIBRO 3.0



Audiobooks, self-checkout, enhanced scheduling and more.

myLIBRO is an app that becomes your library’s virtual branch, putting the library in patrons hands, no matter where they are. Deliver dozens of library services and resources from one platform, expanding the library’s reach for existing users and gaining new patrons.


“One of the things that we’ve been working on is trying to get out of the four walls. And I think that apps like myLIBRO help with that. Having these technologies frees us up from these four walls. We can go into the community where we haven’t been able to reach certain populations. This kind of technology helps us get there, it helps to achieve that really big goal of outreach and community engagement.”

Andrew Pierce
Adult Services Supervisor

“Our book catalog is not user friendly or mobile friendly, so people are often frustrated. myLIBRO is easy to search. It’s easy to find the subject matter, easy to find an author you like. myLIBRO really solved that user frustration problem for us, which was an unexpected benefit.”

Jessica Varang
Technology Education Manager & Branch Manager

“This is exactly what we want because it’s so customizable. myLIBRO was there when we needed it and at a great price.”

Adrienne Breznau
Head of Access Services

What’s new?

Audiobooks & Book Recommendations

Pro-active suggestions for materials like popular books, new arrivals, and books you may like and access to a full library of audiobook.

Push Notifications

Improved view of events, news, important updates & more!

Library Profile Page

Quick 24/7 access to general library information. (ie, open hours, address etc.)

Self Checkout

Completely contactless so patrons can now checkout materials by simply scanning the barcode.

Enhanced Scheduling Capabilities

Intuitive scheduling for contactless pickup & hybrid library services, improving the patron & staff experience.

Search by Category

Access a full list of categories to find exactly what they’re looking for.

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